Thursday, February 12, 2009

Good Morning

Hi yall,

I am well and excited that Friday is just around the corner. Today Karley has her party at school and I have mine in my classroom. Bailey's has his tomorrow and he is excited that i get to go. Last few parties i had to miss because of the day it landed on . I think its very important to be with your child during these times and their events at school. Now days there are very few parents who are involved in their child's activities because of crazy reasons. I understand most parents have jobs they cant take off work but i think its important to show your kid you take the time for them for their school events. Bailey might be getting tested for GT(gifted and talented class) at the end of the year. I am still deciding if i want him to take this route. Gt class use to be known as a SMART KIDS CLASS but as it was explained to me yesterday ITS NOT. It's for children who need a boost of a challenge or a child who can do well in other areas beside (reading, math etc) . I have heard enough comments to make me sick from family and friends already . I don't know what i am going to do but i was shocked when three of the teachers said YES to him getting tested. They are with him every day so they know more then i do what he needs. This has nothing to do with him repeating first grade. He is still on a first grade level though he is repeating. He will be moving up to second grade no matter what he does this year. He will also be in his therapy class next year too and its really helping him alot.
Well that's enough on that just pray that we as a family and teachers make the right decisions when it comes closer to test him .

As far as weight i have lost another Pound (YIPPIE) so now i am total 41lbs lighter.

Well that's about it Have a great Thursday


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