Friday, January 19, 2007


YEP i said that big word that everyone tries really hard but some times it doesnt happen.

Well i have a goal IF I DONT NEED IT WE ARENT BUYING IT. And i am doing well at that this month . I am not sure if i am saving alot but my bills are getting paid so i must some way right. I have cut back on grocery shopping not many sweets just lots of good stuff. The things i buy make me cooke most nights not sure if that is good lolol but hey i am trying that counts right. lol

Well i hope everyone made it threw the icy weather last week . May we look forward to a better week and keep our close ones warm and safe. Remember set a small goal for your self each week and work towards it i know me working on saving is helping me mentally and check book wise. Savings is a hard thing to do but once you practice it and do it and make that savings goal you feel better i know i do .

well done rambling chat soon



Thursday, January 04, 2007


YOU ARE VERY VERY MUCH MISSED !!!!!!!!!!!!!! You were a hero in my eyes who i looked up to who enjoyed sitting on porch listening to your stories of war. I wish i could have one more hug or see one more funny dance move from ya but i know Jesus had other plans and one day we will be together again for LIFE> There's not a moment that goes by that i dont think of you and Daddy . Jan 3rd i said Good bye then rest of week i was with family to say our finally goood byes............. but i never consider it a good bye just a SEE YOU SOON on the other side . I know you are watching over me and in a whole lot better place then down here. I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU I hope the things you taught me are growing on my children and they turn out as a good loving person as you were. RIP LOVe your GRAND DAUGTHER